Meet the Board

The Lavaca Neighborhood Association Board of Directors is an all-volunteer committee of neighbors who give their time and talents to serve the neighborhood.

Melissa Stendahl, President
Mike White, Vice President
Laura Gross, Secretary
Ellen Pitluk, Treasurer
Paola Wolfe, Communications
John Lamb, Membership
Margarita Rodriguez, Events & Fundraising
Brian Murphy, Neighborhood Development
Marcy Newman, Transportation & Public Safety
Vacant, Local Business Owner
Stephanie Faulkner, Member At-Large

Board FAQs

Executive Board members (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer) are elected for two year terms, with a maximum of two consecutive terms, at the annual membership meeting in January.

The immediate past President may serve as President Emeritus on the current Board of Directors for one term immediately after the end of their term as President.

The other committee directors are appointed by the Board at the January meeting or as openings become available.

The Business Owner Director may live outside of Lavaca as long as their business is physically located within the Lavaca boundary area.